Thursday, October 27, 2005

Watch The Wire

The Wire is simply the best show on television. Now that may not be saying a lot but the show rocks on so many fronts. It became instantly addictive once my wife and sat down to watch the first episode when I checked out the first season from the library. The HBO segue reminded us of episodes of the Sopranos that always began this way. We had previously come to know Baltimore from Homicide Life on the Streets and the Corner in book then video form. We even made a pilgrimage to Baltimore when we were visiting DC. We watched them filming and episode, got Richard Beltzer's autograph on a tourist map of Baltimore and had a drink at the Waterfront. The Wire sucks you in right away and give our ability to watch episode after episode it sucks you in completely and utterly. We blazed through season 1 and the night we finished the first season I turned to my wife and said man that was incredible. I think I'll go to the videos store and get the first disc of season two and I did. Season two didn't last long either. But be forewarned Season Three is not on DVD and there is not date set. The solution seemed obvious. Get HBO and watch it on demand. While it was easy to get HBO, they had only started on Season Tow for their On Demand offering. Luckily, we were distracted by the birth of our son who is about the only thing that gets in our way of watching The Wire. As soon as he would fall asleep, I would turn to my wife and say, "wanna watch the Wire." She would roll her eyes at me and say, "Yes." The Third Season did not disappoint. We are eagerly awaiting season four due out next year and may have even started filming.

If you watch any show, make it The Wire. If you’re not sure what to rent, rent The Wire.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Get Real

Bring on the NBA Season.
Let's run and gun. Suns
Lock and Load. Pistons - Spurs
Let see who brings it everyone night and get's it done when it counts...
Let's see who is the first player busted for the NBA Dress Code! Vlade - AI
Let's see who takes it to the next level. Yao
Let's see who come back and when from microfracture - Amare
Let's see if the odd couple make it work. Zen Master & Kobe
Let's see if Miami can handle the Ego erruptions - Shaq and Pat "Armani man" Riley
I want to hear the Chuckster say it everynight. Ginobili!

Let the game begin!